【摘 要】
I glimpsed him only fleetingly last Saturday morning as I sped in a carthrough the Derbyshire Dales.Yet the picture he presented was asarresting and intriguing as any portrait by Rembrandt or Vermeer.
I glimpsed him only fleetingly last Saturday morning as I sped in a carthrough the Derbyshire Dales.Yet the picture he presented was asarresting and intriguing as any portrait by Rembrandt or Vermeer.Wearing a dark suit and tie,he sat stiffly on a bench in a villagechurchyard,seemingly oblivious to scurrying black clouds that weremore redolent of January than July.Scattered around on the turf near hisbench were bouquets and wreaths.Their fresh blooms suggested that aburial had taken place that morning.But of other mourners there wasno sign.
It is sometimes useful to remind ourselves of the simpleraspects of things normally regarded as complicated. Take,for instance, the writing of a poem. It consists'of three stages:the first is when a m
For the recent college graduate,living in New York-the city of dreams andopportunity--is no easy feat.As twentysomethings,we sacrifice having anysemblance of savings to survive in a city that promises
A popular singer of the day told me a story during my interview with her.
Author: David Rieff Publisher: Simon & Schuster (January 8, 2008)
Atelephone company cut off an FBI internationalwiretap after the agency failed to pay its bill on time,according to a U.S. government audit released.
Well,it's a start. David Cameron has noticed that health and safetyregulations stop schools taking children out on field trips,outdooractivities or just collecting autumn leaves at the park.And theDep
Aunt Jennifer's tigers prance across a screen, Bright topaz denizens of a world of green. They do not fear the men beneath the tree; They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.
自中世纪开始,西方就已经开始关注中国。到了文艺复兴时期,随着西方殖民者的东来,西方对中国的兴趣重新点燃。启蒙时代来华的耶稣会士们(the Jesuits)在很大程度上推动了当时欧洲的“中国热”(the Chinoiserie)。以上中西关系的先驱部来自意大利、葡萄牙、西班牙、法国等欧陆国家。从18世纪末开始,英美国家后来居上,随着大量的商人、新教传教士及外交家的到来,他们主导了西方对中国的接触。每
人生有各种梦想与追求(more money,more fame,morelove),但要实现这些梦想,不同的人采取了不同的态度与方法。有人用辛勤和汗水一步步接近它;有人则用自己的青春去换明天(例如用女貌换男财);还有人不惜一切代价来赌博。这部多线索平行发展的影片似乎在证明不择手段来满足人性贪欲的不值。“Sometimes you go looking for moreand wind Up wit