
来源 :新疆大学学报(哲学·人文社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nihao136
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茀林人金哈剌是元末重要的文人,他能书法、善散曲,有《南游寓兴集》传世。由于该集国内未见传本,研究界关于金哈剌的研究成果寥寥无几。《南游寓兴集》存诗358首,抒发金哈剌作为色目官员的忠贞报国之情。游览观景诗既能反映金哈剌对浙东风光浓厚的游览兴致,也透露了他在方国珍治下的境遇和心态。对各种诗体的尝试是金哈剌诗歌在艺术方面突出特点,它反映了诗人金哈剌对中国传统诗歌创作的强烈兴趣,对自己诗歌创作水平提高的追求,古朴、直白的诗风还折射出元代的复古诗风。 Zhelin people Jinha assassination is an important scholar at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, he can calligraphy, good Sanqu, a “South Yuxing set” handed down. Due to the fact that there are no domestic books in this collection, the research results of the research community on Jinhala are few and far between. “Southern set Yuxing set” 358 poems, express Jinha assassination as a color official loyalty to serve the country. Visiting scenic poetry can not only reflect Jinha assassination on the strong excursion of eastern Zhejiang scenery, but also revealed his situation and mentality under Fang Guozhen. Attempting to various poems is a prominent feature of Jinhala poetry in art, which reflects the strong interest of the poet Jinhala on Chinese traditional poetry creation, the pursuit of improving his own poetic writing level, and the simplicity and straightforward poetry style Reflects the Yuan Dynasty’s retro style.
体外循环(cardiopulmonary bypass,CPB)可以诱发全身炎症反应综合征(systemic inflammatory response syndrome, SIRS),导致包括心脏在内的全身各脏器功能障碍,成为术后并发
目的研究输血传播病毒(transfusion transmitted virus, TTV)在供血员及各型病毒性肝炎中的感染率及对肝脏的致病作用.方法检测49名供血员和165例肝炎患者血清中的TTV DNA(采