编辑同志: 贵刊1997年2期第21上刊发的《早春花木的花后修剪》一文中,有这么一段:“……丛生灌木形:如民间有‘蜡梅不缺枝’之谚,是说蜡梅发枝力强,不宜重剪,并且其小侧枝开花数量多,中、长枝开花数量少。花后应对小侧枝重点修剪,抑强扶弱,疏除过密枝,以促其形成短花枝;对长枝则适当短截即可。”读过此段,感到将“蜡梅不缺枝”的谚语理解为“蜡梅不宜重
Edit comrades: your magazine published in 1997 No. 21 on the 21th issue of “early spring flowers pruning” in a text, there is such a period: “... ... bush shrub shape: If there is a civilized ’waxy plum not sticky’ proverb, It is said that the pruning power of the prunus persicae is not suitable for heavy cutting, and the number of its pruning branches is large and the number of its pruning branches is small. It forms a short flowering branch; for a long branch it is okay to cut it short. ”After reading this passage, I felt the saying that the“ waxy plum is not scarce ”is understood as"