纵观全部人类认识史,可以看到,认识的每一进步,都是在提出问题、解决问题中实现的,人的思想过程也总是贯穿着问题的提出和解决。因此,无论是科学认识论还是哲学认识论,都不应也不能忽视对于问题的研究。本文试图给出问题的认识论定义,并从问题的类型、结构、特征、解答及其在认识过程中的地位和作用等方面作一些粗浅的探索,以期抛陋砖而引瑰玉。一问题的定义“问题”一词在现代汉语中通常有五种含义; ①指事故或故障。②指尚待解决的事项或应当研究的课题。③指人的思想、行为不合于某种规范。④指某些尚未解决的矛盾。⑤指思维对于认识对象的状况、原因、规律、价值等不能断定而产生的疑问。如“什么叫革命性质?革命性质是以什么来决定
Looking at the history of all mankind’s cognition, we can see that every advancement in understanding is accomplished by raising questions and solving problems. People’s thinking process always runs through the formulation and solution of problems. Therefore, both scientific epistemology and philosophical epistemology, we should not and can not ignore the research on the issue. This paper attempts to give the epistemological definition of the problem and make some superficial exploration from the type, structure, characteristic, solution of the question and its position and function in the process of cognition, with a view to ignoring the brick and guiding the jade. The definition of a problem “Question” in modern Chinese usually have five meanings; ① refers to the accident or failure. ② refers to the issues to be solved or should be studied. ③ refers to people’s thinking, behavior is not compatible with a standard. ④ refers to some unsolved conflicts. ⑤ refers to thinking about the status of the object, reasons, laws, values and other issues can not be conclusive doubt. Such as "What is the nature of revolution? What is the nature of the revolution to decide