1 一般资料本组病咧均由本院儿科确诊后转来本科治疗。其中男性18例,女性12咧;年龄最小的3岁,最大的11岁;病程最短2年,最长10年。2 治疗方法取穴:肺俞(双)、肾俞(双);脾俞(双)、丰隆(双),四穴二组,交替注射,隔日1次。操作:以10ml消毒注射针筒,抽取4ml 注射用水溶入2U 注射用人脾转移因子,穴位常规消毒,用5号针头逐次刺入每个穴位,进针后作轻微提插,待局部有酸胀感后停止刺激,轻轻回抽,若无回血,则注入药液1ml;若有
1 General Information This group of disease blankets are transferred to our hospital pediatric diagnosis of pediatric treatment. Including 18 males and 12 females; the youngest 3 years old, the largest 11-year-old; the shortest course of 2 years, up to 10 years. 2 treatment acupoints: Feishu (double), Shenshu (double); Pishu (double), Hong Leong (double), four points two groups, alternating injection, every other day. Operation: Sterilize the syringe with 10ml, inject 4ml of water for injection into 2U human spleen transfer factor for injection, disinfect acupoints, and pierce each acupoint with No. 5 needle one by one. After feeling stop stimulation, gently pull back, if no back to the blood, then inject liquid 1ml; if so