在国内,营销大战风起云涌,而啤酒行业的“百团大战”更是别具特色,从合资推新,到战术收购,从啤酒节“切磋”到巡展亮相,甚至所有行业不得以而为之的撒手锏——价格战也被当作法宝使用。面对浮躁的行业格局,人均利税居行业之首的珠江啤酒却独辟蹊径,在技术和管理上下工夫,在国内同行中率先实施Oracle ERP信息管理系统,埋头打造企业的核心竞争力,重塑企业形象,接轨主流管理机制,为企业再次腾飞准备了强有力的“跳板”。
In the domestic market, the marketing war surges, while the beer industry's “Hundred Regiments” is even more distinctive, from joint ventures to new tactics acquisitions, from the Oktoberfest “show” to the tour show, and even all industries should not be the result of Caesar - price war is also used as a magic weapon. The face of impetuous industry pattern, the per capita profits tax in the industry's first Zhujiang Brewery has its own way, in the technical and management work hard to take the lead in the implementation of the domestic counterparts Oracle ERP information management system, to lay the foundations of the core competitiveness of enterprises and reshape the corporate image , In line with the mainstream management mechanism for business take-off once again prepared a strong “springboard.”