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  1.raise a storm of debates  引发一场辩论风暴
  2.a controversial issue  有爭议性的问题
  3.be supported by sound reasons  有充分的理由支持
  4.Recently, …have caused much controversy.
  5.The… is a hard evidence to demonstrate that…
  6.There is a striking difference between them.
  7.That’s not the case. / The truth is quite otherwise.
  8.The latest findings suggest otherwise. / challenge the long-held opinion that…
  9.Some people believe / hold that… ,while others argue that…
  How can you start a conversation with an English person? The answer is quite simple. Many people will tell you that any English conversation begins with The Weather. Such a fixation with the weather finds expression in Dr. Johnson’s famous comment that “When two English meet, their first talk is of weather.” Though Johnson’s observation is as accurate now as it was over two hundred years ago, most commentators (评论者)fail to come up with a convincing explanation for this English weather-speak.
  Bill Bryson, for example, concludes that, as the English weather is not at all exciting, the obsession (痴迷) with it can hardly be understood. He argues that “To an outsider, the most striking thing about the English weather is that there is not very much of it.” Simply, the reason is that the unusual and unpredictable weather is almost unknown in the British Isles.
  Jeremy Paxman, however, disagrees with Bryson, arguing that the English weather is by nature attractive. Bryson is wrong, he says, because the English preference for the weather is not about the natural phenomena at all. “The interest is less in the phenomena themselves, but in uncertainty.” According to him, the weather in England is very changeable and uncertain and it attracts the English as well as the outsider.   Bill Bryson and Jeremy Paxman stand for common conception about the weather-speak among the English. Both commentators, somehow, are missing the point. The English weather conversation has nothing to do with the weather. English weather-speak is a system of signs, which is developed to help the speakers overcome the natural reserve and actually talk to each other. Everyone knows conversations starting with weather-speak are not requests for weather data. Rather, they are routine greetings, conversation starters or the blank “fillers”. In other words, English weather-speak is a means of social bonding.
  1. 浏览全文,抓住短文大意,分析体裁特点
  2. 再次快读,明确段落主旨,画出思维导图
  3. 最后细读,定位概写要点,画出关键词句
  (2)作者有意识地重复的观点通常是要点,如第四段“In other words”引出的句子。
  (3)首段出现疑问句时,对该问题的解答通常就是主旨句,如文章开头第一段“How can you start a conversation with an English person?”引出的主旨句子“any English conversation begins with The Weather”。
  (4)段落或篇章主旨的标志词:therefore, thus,but, however, in short, simply, anyhow, somehow等,如第二、三、四段。
  (5)在for example, first, second等之前的句子中,或在all in all, above all 之后的句子中,如第二、三、四段。
  4. 转换表达,整合要点成句,初步连句成篇
  要点1:将第一段两个主题句整合成一句,使观点更明确。此句使用though改为but连词表明转折关系;begins with 同义转换为be initiated with;most commentators fail to…句型转换为few commentators can;come up with a convincing explanation 词性转换为convincingly explain。
  文本原句:any English conversation begins with1 The Weather, …Though2 …most commentators fail3 to come up with a convincing explanation4 for this English weather-speak.
  转换表达→English conversation is naturally/inherently initiated with1 the weather topic, but2 few commentators3 can convincingly explain4 the reason for it.   要点2:第二段次要点“Simply, the reason is that the unusual and unpredictable weather is almost unknown”是例子和重复信息,为了简明扼要,可省略和削减。
  文本原句:Bill Bryson, for example, concludes that1, as the English weather is not at all exciting2, the obsession with it can hardly be understood3.
  轉换表达→Bill Bryson holds that1 it can’t be comprehended3 for the English weather is boring2.
  要点3:第三段主题句和次要点 “the weather in England is very changeable and uncertain”可整合成一句。此句使用“lie in… ”表达精确简练;“nature attractive”和“is very changeable and uncertain”分别同义词性转换为“attraction”和“uncertainty”。
  文本原句:Jeremy Paxman, however, disagrees with Bryson, arguing that1 the English weather is by nature attractive2…. According to him, the weather in England is very changeable and uncertain3 and it attracts the English as well as the outsider.
  转换表达→Jeremy Paxman argues1 that its attraction2 just lies in its uncertainty3.
  要点4:第四段主题句和关键词“a means of social bonding”整合成一句。此句使用“not…but… ”句型形成很好的语义连贯。
  文本原句:Both commentators, somehow, are missing the point1. The English weather conversation has nothing to do with1 the weather. …help the speakers overcome the natural reserve2 and actually talk to each other3. …English weather-speak is a means of social bonding4.
  转换表达→ the English weather-speak is not about weather itself1, but a way to break social barrier2 and keep social connection4 which makes communication easier3.
  English conversation is initiated with the weather topic, but few commentators can convincingly explain the reason for it. Bill Bryson holds that it can’t be comprehended for the English weather is boring, while Jeremy Paxman argues that its attraction just lies in its uncertainty. The English weather-speak is not about weather itself, but a way to break social barrier and keep social connection which makes communication easier.
  5. 优化语言,注重全文连贯,誊写工整规范
  结合该真题文体特点,使用“some… , while others…”代表两种对立观点和“Virtually/Actually”引出事实本质,进行有效衔接。同时注意词数要求(60词),形成概要终稿如下:
  English conversation is naturally initiated with the weather topic, but few commentators can convincingly explain the reason for it.【要点1】Some hold that it can’t be comprehended for the English weather is boring,【要点2】 while others argue that its attraction just lies in its uncertainty.【要点3】Virtually, the English weather-speak is not about weather itself, but a way to break social barrier and keep social connection which makes communication easier.【要点4】   我们可以将此类“先破后立模式”文章形成以下模式:
  Contradictory to / In contrast to the long-held negative impact of 话题, recent studies have indicated/ revealed that sth. incredibly brings us a range of benefits.【要点1】 Above all, more easily shifts you into.【要点2】Additionally, while doing…, chances are that…, which greatly contributes to…. 【要点3】 Ultimately, you are likely to…, thus doing sth.【要点4】
  We might think we know which colors do what. The idea that red wakes us up or blue calms us down is deeply rooted in Western culture. But do they really change our behavior in the ways that we assume?
  When it comes to scientific research, the results are mixed and at times contested. Some studies have found that people do better on cognitive tasks when faced with red rather than blue or green; others show the opposite. The idea is that if you repeatedly have a particular experience surrounded by a certain color, then you eventually begin to associate that color with the way you were feeling or behaving. A school career spent reading your teacher’s red writing circling your mistakes forever makes you link red with danger. Blue meanwhile is more likely to be associated with calmer situations like marveling at a big blue expanse of sky.
  Of course there will always be exceptions—the comment from the teacher saying “well done” is also written in red. It is true that people do make different associations with different colors, but whether this translates into behaving in a certain way or succeeding at a particular task is a different question.
  In 2009 researchers tried to clarify the situation. They sat their participants at computer screens colored blue, red or “neutral” and tested them on various tasks. With a red screen people did better on tasks requiring attention to detail, but when the screen was blue they did better on creative tasks. In practice this might be tricky.
  However, when another team tried to repeat the study with a larger group of people in 2014, the effect of color disappeared. The initial study consisted of just 69 people. In this new, bigger study of 263 volunteers, background color made no difference.
  So colors might well have an effect, but so far those effects have been difficult to demonstrate consistently and sometimes don’t seem to exist at all.
  【參考范文】We’ve long believed each color has a specific effect on behavior, but researches show that this effect is complicated and varying with certain habitual experience,【要点1】which helps explain why red deemed negative assessment indicates recognition elsewhere.【要点2】Interestingly, a 2009 finding in favor of color effect was disproved by another experiment based on a larger sample of candidates.【要点3】 So color effect may not exist at all.【要点4】
“西南天际,一弯新月升起来了,虚虚的,淡淡的,朦朦胧胧,若有若无……”而一双手还在颤抖,一声声叹息深深地印在我的心里,那点点剔透的水珠儿在扉页上开出了无色的哀花……我思忖着多久没为一个故事而潸然泪下了,耳畔仿佛《梁祝》绵绵不断,如絮语呢喃,滑入心海。脑中反复出现李清照的词“寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚”,心中也是“最难将息”。满腹的悲楚,竟不随大江而东流去。  初看书名,我以为其内容和伊斯兰教
小时候的我们,总是盼望快点长大。而长大了的我们,却总是想念小时候。时间悠远,谱写了美丽的篇章,亦留下了伤心的角落。过去的时光,有可亲可爱的人,亦有生活中不想遇见的黑点。  读完书,最让我感触的莫过于陆之昂所说的话:  我们总幻想着,如果人生能够倒退,就能回到某一个点上,去改变些什么,从而让一切都截然不同。但人生,不是一盘录满歌曲的磁带,随时可以倒回最初的位置。真正的人生,没有快进,没有后退,也没有
在中国,你若问一个人,他所在县的县委书记姓甚名谁,他也许不甚了了;但你若问起曾经的兰考县委书记焦裕禄,却几乎无人不知无人不晓。  一个半个世纪以前就去世的中年男人,一个在兰考县只任职了475天的县委书记,为什么有那么大的影响力?“县委书记焦裕禄”的魅力到底在哪里?或者,更直接明了地问:今天,我们为什么读焦裕禄?怎样读焦裕禄?  一、我们为什么读焦裕禄  毋庸置疑,作为“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”的基层干
合上这本“最具灵性光辉的生命笔记”,抬头,看到身边的同学或奋笔疾书,或冥思苦想——都在刷题。高三的日子一日少一日,在最初的豪情壮志被苦闷的生活磨去棱角后,有些丧气话已经渐渐听得到了。  “这日子什么时候才是个头啊?”一声哀叹,揉一揉酸痛的手腕,低下头,又淹没在题海中了。  我合上摘记本,瞥见《病隙碎笔》中的一句话:“无聊的人总是为皈依标出一处终点,期求着一劳永逸的福果……”  再过五个月,我们高中
第二天早晨护送我到周恩来的司令部去的,就是列宁儿童团的一个团员。司令部原来是一个不怕轰炸的小屋,四面围着许多同样的小屋,(1)农民都若无其事地住在那里,尽管他们是处在战区中间,而且他们中间还有个东路红军司令。我心里不由得想,红军能够这样不惹人注目地开进一个地方,是不是红军受到农民欢迎的原因?附近驻扎一些军队似乎一点也没有破坏农村的宁静。  蒋介石悬赏八万元要周恩来的首级,(2)可是在周恩来的司令部
学习经典篇目《沂水春风》时,学生往往有一些感到难以理解的地方:对于子路和冉有的治国设想,孔子的态度是什么?公西华为什么只想做一个小相?孔子赞同曾皙什么?孔子的理想具体又是什么?对此,我想用关联阅读的方法,结合《论语》中的条目以及其他文化经典作品的内容,用文本来解读文本,搭设一个探究儒家思想的支架。  一 聚焦人物,结合儒家“为政”的原则,分析治国设想  子路和冉有在谈自己的理想时,都谈到了治理国家
[一 不是渔夫的“渔父”]   “渔父”是《楚辞·渔父》中一个颇具神秘色彩的人物。  文章开头说:“屈原既放,游于江潭,行吟泽畔,颜色憔悴,形容枯槁。”根据司马迁《史记·屈原贾生列传》的说法,这时应该是顷襄王执政期间,屈原在政治上遭到重大打击,容颜憔悴,心情苦闷,他来到汨罗江边,望着滚滚而去的江水,他是多么希望有一个人来排解他内心的愁苦啊。这个时候渔父出现了,他说:“子非三闾大夫与?何故至于斯?
爱融在生活的琐碎中,慢慢生成,慢慢积淀,静静流淌……  记得有一次我因病住院,父母工作忙碌,住在乡下的奶奶义无反顾地担负起了照顾我的重任。也许是生病心情不好,也许是医院那浓重的消毒水味,导致我的胃口一直很差。这让奶奶很焦虑。或许在这个没什么文化的老人看来,不爱吃东西,没有食欲,是一件极其可怕的事,更何况还是在生病的时候。  为了能让我吃上一份可口的饭菜,奶奶总坚持回到家中亲自给我做饭。似乎只有这样
人是世间最富智慧的生物,而人性则是人身上最耀眼的光辉。  回想抗日战争期间,日本侵略者惨无人道地屠戮中国百姓,俨然已成为一台兽性机器,而穷苦的中国农民却在抗战胜利后收养了大批日本遗孤,他们应该这样做吗?又如美国大片《拯救大兵瑞恩》中小分队冒险营救瑞恩,只为让他活着回到母亲身边,却付出了他们自己的生命,这又值得吗?  对于收养日本战争遗孤,我觉得应当如此。至少,从人性的角度来说,应当如此。我们不曾经