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香烟牌子与上海滩收藏大王 香烟牌子是20世纪初由英、美、德、日等国传入中国的,它的诞生与香烟的包装有关。由于早期的香烟都是软包装纸盒的,没有硬壳装置,吸烟者放于口袋或皮包中容易压扁,故不利于香烟的保存。后来香烟厂作了改进,在纸盒中衬了一张白色的厚纸片,使香烟盒有了“骨子”而硬挺起来,但是香烟厂觉得白色的厚纸片不太美观,于是又在其正面印上了人物、动物、植物或各种器物等精美图案,使其具有了礼品的意味,有时收集成套后还可以从烟厂换回一定价值的商品。而反面则印上了图案的文字说明及烟草的牌子和烟厂名称等,因此, The brand of cigarettes and the brand of cigarettes on the beach The king of cigarettes was introduced to China by Britain, the United States, Germany, Japan and other countries in the early 20th century. Its birth was related to the packaging of cigarettes. Since early cigarettes were all in flexible cartons, there was no hard-shell device and smokers were easily crushed in their pockets or purses, which was not conducive to the preservation of cigarettes. Later, the cigarette factory made improvements in the paper box lined with a white piece of cardboard, the cigarette box has a “bone” and stiffened, but the cigarette factory feel white thick cardboard is not so beautiful, so in its Front printed with characters, animals, plants or a variety of objects and other exquisite designs, it has a gift means, sometimes after collecting the set can be returned from the tobacco factory a certain value of goods. While the reverse is printed on the pictorial description of the text and tobacco brands and cigarette names, etc. Therefore,
1 案情简介1 999年 6月 1 5日 ,县卫生局食品卫生监督所三名监督员在执法检查时 ,发现双庙集镇×××植物油零售门市部无卫生许可证从事植物油及面粉兑换、销售 ,从业人员×
[案情] 犯罪嫌疑人赵某,现年42岁,1990年因拐买妇女儿童罪被广西壮族自治区资源县人民法院判处2年有期徒刑,刑满后回乡务农。1995年春,赵某因生活困难趁其妻回湖南探亲之机,
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最近 ,在农村时常发生一些骗子冒充民政人员行骗的案件 ,被骗对象大都是农村的老烈属户、老荣残户和老复员军人户。前不久 ,在山东省苍山县小岭乡苍山官庄的老荣残军人马昌图
【焦点背景】2006年是中俄建交57周年,也是中俄建立战略协作伙伴关系10周年,《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》缔结5周年;2006年和 [Focus Background] The year 2006 marked the 57
今年2月1日,江西省南昌市人民检察院以受贿罪、行贿罪和巨额财产来源不明罪,对胡长清提起公诉。南昌市中级人民法院依法组成合议庭,于2月13日和14日公开审理了此案。 根据检