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固原上黄试验示范区,是中科院、水利部水土保持研究所承担的国家“九五”黄土高原科技攻关专题,五年来,科技人员根据国家治理黄土高原的总目标和地方需求,特别是中科院知识创新试点工程对水保所提出的“要为西北人民造福,做出地方政府公认成绩”的要求,针对宁南山区存在的“干旱、低产、贫困和生态环境恶化”等难点热点问题,攻克科技难关,出色完成攻关任务和各项指标。在项目验收时,专家们一致认为:固原试区“九五”攻关成绩突出,特别是在以冬麦改制为中心的旱作增产技术体系研究有重大进展,为解决群众温饱和促进宁南山区粮食上新台阶发挥了战 Guyuan Shanghuang Experimental Demonstration Zone is a project undertaken by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Water Conservancy to support the national scientific research on the Loess Plateau. In the past five years, scientists and technicians, in light of the general objectives and local needs of the government for the administration of the Loess Plateau, Chinese Academy of Sciences knowledge innovation pilot project proposed by the China Earth Preservation Association “for the benefit of the people of Northwest China, to make the local government recognized achievements ” requirements, for the existence of southern Ningxia “drought, low yield, poverty and deterioration of the ecological environment ” and so on Difficulties hot issues, overcome scientific and technological difficulties, excellent research tasks and the completion of various indicators. At the time of acceptance of the project, the experts agreed that there are outstanding achievements in tackling key problems in the experimental area of ​​“Guyuan” in the “95” project. In particular, significant progress has been made in the research on the technical system of dry farming stimulation with winter wheat restructuring as the center. In order to solve the problem of food, clothing, Nanshan District food to a new level played a war
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成都电视设备厂(630厂)原属 Chengdu TV Equipment Factory (630 Factory) was originally
《中国古典戏曲故事七篇》一书收集了我父亲张友鸾先生根据中国古典戏曲撰写的七部中篇说部。这些作品在20世纪50年代至80年代间,曾在上海《新民晚报》上连载;其中50年代的作品由北京出版社出版过单行本,到了80年代,又由宝文堂全部印成单行本出版。现在将七部作品汇编成一集,是为《中国古典戏曲故事七篇》。  父亲20世纪20年代起即开始文学活动,大量散文、小说、文学评论、古典文学研究,散见于各报刊。他前半
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