目的探讨宫腔镜在诊治子宫异常出血中的作用。方法 92例异常子宫出血患者进行宫腔镜检查,根据情况取活检、诊刮并送病理,探讨其应用价值。结果 92例患者中镜下诊断为子宫内膜息肉45例,黏膜下子宫肌瘤10例,子宫内膜病变33例,妊娠残留3例,子宫内膜癌1例,并对92例患者进行活检、刮宫送病理,镜下诊断与病理诊断总符合率92.4%。结论异常子宫出血病因复杂多样,与传统的超声检查、诊断性刮宫、子宫输卵管碘油造影相比较,宫腔镜检查更能直接清晰地观察宫腔内及宫颈管内的形态及结构,为诊断异常子宫出血的“金标准”。
Objective To explore the role of hysteroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding. Methods 92 patients with abnormal uterine bleeding were examined by hysteroscopy, according to the situation to take biopsy, curettage and sent pathology, to explore its value. Results Among the 92 patients, 45 cases were diagnosed endometrial polyps by endoscopy, 10 cases were submucosal uterine fibroids, 33 cases were endometrial lesions, 3 cases were residual pregnancy, 1 case was endometrial carcinoma and 92 cases were biopsied , Curettage sent to pathology, microscopic diagnosis and pathological diagnosis of the total coincidence rate of 92.4%. Conclusions The etiology of abnormal uterine bleeding is complex and diverse. Compared with the traditional ultrasonography, diagnostic curettage, and tubal iodine oil imaging, hysteroscopy can directly and clearly observe the morphology and structure of uterine cavity and cervical canal. Uterine bleeding “gold standard ”.