
来源 :教育革新 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chen95127
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一、以规范为手段,以发展为目标,制定学校的制度体系随着课程改革的不断深入,教学内容越来越丰富,管理对象越来越复杂,这就决定着学校管理离不开刚性的制度管理。制度是用来规范人、约束人的,是人必须遵守的准则,但制度更是学校发展的一种方向、一种追求和激励。1.让教师以主人翁姿态参与学校的管理过程。学校管理制度初稿形成以后,要求广大教职工人人都是参与者、建议者、表决者,而不是制度的排斥者。学校制度作为学校管 First, to norms as a means to development as the goal, the development of the school system With the continuous deepening of curriculum reform, teaching more and more rich, more and more complex objects of management, which determines the school management is inseparable from the rigid System management. The system is used to standardize people, restraining people, is a criterion people must abide by, but the system is a direction of school development, a pursuit and inspiration. 1. Let teachers take the masters of the attitude of the school management process. After the first draft of the school management system was formed, it was demanded that the majority of staff and workers should be participants, advisors and voters instead of the system exclusion. School system as a school management