奥美拉唑(洛塞克)是质子泵抑制剂,对胃酸分泌有强而持久的抑制作用,在临床上被广泛应用于各种胃酸相关疾病的治疗。我们应用静脉注射奥美拉唑来预防和治疗因行颅脑手术而并发应激性溃疡出血的病人,取得了满意的疗效,现报道如下。1 材料与方法1.1 病例选择:全部62例患者均来自我院脑外科住院病人,因头部外伤、脑肿瘤、脑出血住院行手术治疗,入院前均无消化性溃疡及上消化道出血史,无消化道肿瘤转移及胃手术史。入院后我们随机将其分为两组,奥美拉唑组:男28例,
Omeprazole (Losec) is a proton pump inhibitor, has a strong and long-lasting inhibition of gastric acid secretion, is widely used clinically in the treatment of various gastric acid-related diseases. We use intravenous omeprazole to prevent and treat patients with craniocerebral surgery and concurrent stress ulcer bleeding, and achieved satisfactory results, are reported below. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Case Selection: All 62 patients were from our hospital inpatients with brain surgery, head trauma, brain tumor, cerebral hemorrhage hospitalized patients with surgery, no peptic ulcer and upper gastrointestinal bleeding before admission, No gastrointestinal cancer metastasis and history of gastric surgery. After admission, we randomly divided them into two groups: Omeprazole group: 28 males,