1.有机肥和无机肥配合使用。有机肥(农家肥)养分齐全。肥效持久。无机肥(化肥)养分单一,但含量高,见效快。两者配合使用能取长补短,提高肥效。据试验,牛栏粪、猪栏粪等与氯化铵、过磷酸钙、氯化钾配合施用,比单施等量化肥增产10%以上。 2.氮、磷、钾与微肥配合使用。这就是常说的配方施肥。它是根据不同土壤的供肥性能、作物的需肥规律及对化肥的利用率等情况来合理配合各种营
1. Organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer used in conjunction. Organic fertilizer (manure) nutrients are complete. Fertilizer lasting effect. Inorganic fertilizer (fertilizer) a single nutrient, but high, quick. The two can complement each other and improve fertilizer efficiency. According to the test, cow dung excrement, pig dung excrement, etc., and ammonium chloride, superphosphate, potassium chloride with the application, than the same amount of chemical fertilizer yield more than 10%. 2. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and micronutrients used in conjunction. This is often said that the formula fertilizer. It is based on different soil for fertilizer performance, crop fertilizer demand and the utilization of chemical fertilizers and other conditions to cooperate with a variety of battalions