On SD-oriented mechanism of technological innovation

来源 :Ecological Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nazhihudie
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If one enterprise just takes technological innovation as the way for economic profit but not the combinationalprofit of economy, society and ecology, it will never survive in this fierce competition market. Based on the relationshipbetween technological innovation and sustainable development, this paper brings forward that technological innovationmust take the sustainable1 development of society as the fundamental goal. Technological innovation should be the realimpulse for the development of society, economy and ecology. On the basis of the analysis on previous technologicalinnovation impetus mechanism, combined with the influential factors, this paper puts forward SD-oriented mechanism oftechnological innovation. If one enterprise just takes technological innovation as the way for economic profit but not the combinationalprofit of economy, society and ecology, it will never survive in this fierce competition market. Based on the relationshipbetween technological innovation and sustainable development, this paper brings forward that technological innovationmust take the sustainable1 development of society as the fundamental goal. Technological innovation should be the realimpulse for the development of society, economy and ecology. On the basis of the analysis on previous analysis innovation impetus mechanism, combined with the influential factors, this paper puts forward SD-oriented mechanism of technological innovation.
一个天生乐观的人,偏偏又生了一张笑脸,“喜洋洋”这个名号真是实至名归。都说笑比哭好,可笑也得分时候,要不就是“祸从笑出”。    新学期开学,我们班转来了一个叫郗志阳的民工子弟学生。他最大的特点就是,既长了一张笑脸,又超爱笑。很快就有同学给他起了个外号:喜洋洋。  笑,本来不需要什么理由,爱笑你就笑,可是,什么事都笑,就容易笑出事来。  一天音乐课,年轻的音乐老师正在前面打着拍子,教大伙唱《同一首