
来源 :信息与电脑(理论版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyuange
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一、引言随着现代电子技术的发展,视频技术越来越广泛的应用到社会生活中。各种各样的视频信号需要处理和关注,比如在居住小区、各大商场的安保视频,现代家居中的卫星电视、DVD、数字机顶盒等视频。如何在众多的视频信号中进行合理的处理和分配,成为必需要面 I. Introduction With the development of modern electronic technology, video technology is more and more widely applied to social life. A variety of video signals need to be dealt with and attention, such as in residential areas, security video in major shopping malls, modern home satellite TV, DVD, digital set-top boxes and other video. How to deal with and distribute rationally in numerous video signals has become a necessity