天龙山石窟位于山西省太原市西南约 4 0公里处 ,是中国著名的古代石窟群之一 .2 0多个石窟沿天龙山东西两峰分布 .由于长期受战乱影响和风雨侵蚀 ,石窟岩面破坏严重 ,山岩龟裂破碎已危及到文物本身 .为了挽救这一文化遗产 ,笔者详尽勘测危岩分布 ,建立了分析模型 ,设计了加固方案 .加固手段包括面层防风化处理 ,浇筑钢筋混凝土面层 ,锚杆、工字钢以及预制钢筋混凝土顶柱加固等 .该项工程实践为以后类似工作提供了有益的经验 .
Located about 40 km southwest of Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, Tianlongshan Grottoes is one of China’s famous ancient grottoes. More than 20 grottoes are distributed along the eastern and western peaks of Tianlong Mountain. Due to the long-term impact of the war and the erosion of wind and rain, In order to save this cultural heritage, the author surveyed the distribution of dangerous rock in detail, established the analysis model, and designed the reinforcement plan.The reinforcement measures include surface weathering treatment, pouring reinforced concrete Surfacing, bolting, I-beam and prefabricated reinforced concrete pillar reinforcement, etc. This engineering practice provides useful experience for similar work in the future.