The lens has a good light transmission and moderate refraction, is a near perfect visual organ. It is derived from the epidermal ectoderm, from the outside to the inside of the lens capsule, lens epithelium, cortex and nucleus, which is the lens of the lens epithelial cells of the life center, not only the secretion of type Ⅳ collagen formation of the outer lens capsule, and the evolution of the equator Fibroblasts, the cortex and nucleus; but also provides all the energy required for lens metabolism. In the long-term high sugar environment, aldose reductase is activated, resulting in a large number of hypertonic substances - sorbitol accumulation in the cell, causing cortical highly water swelling; in recent years also found p-glycoprotein, cell volume chloride channel And aquaporin are also involved in the development of the infiltration of glycocalyx infiltration.