
来源 :当代港澳研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sizhezang1
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近年,有关澳门产业结构优化问题的研究倍受重视,研究成果也不少,但针对这方面的文献综述文章却少之又少,有必要加强这方面的研究。故此,本文以文献综述视角下对产业结构优化问题进行研究,针对澳门产业的一般认识、澳门产业结构问题隐患、澳门产业结构优化路径三方面的研究成果进行归纳分析,指出现有研究的突破点,同时提出其不足的地方,以为促进澳门经济适度多元化发展研究起到承先启后的作用。 In recent years, the research on the optimization of industrial structure in Macao has drawn much attention and many achievements have been made. However, there are only a few articles on literature review in this area, so it is necessary to strengthen the research in this area. Therefore, this paper studies the optimization of industrial structure from the perspective of literature review, summarizes the research results of the three aspects of the general understanding of Macao’s industry, the hidden problems of Macao’s industrial structure and the optimization of the industrial structure in Macao. It points out the breakthrough point of the existing research , At the same time raised its inadequacies, in order to promote the development of a moderately diversified economy in Macao play a leading role.
以国家标准GB475--1996《商品煤样采取方法》等为依据,参考国际标准IS01988~1975(Hard Coal sampling),提出了商品煤质量仲裁检验方法以及质量检验结果争议裁决的办法.
一年前,25岁的郑鸿飞在朋友聚会时喝“高”了,酒驾回家途中撞上公路边的限高墩而丧命。出事后,郑鸿飞的父母认为绝不是单纯的酒驾过错,被撞的限高墩肯定有问题。于是,限高墩的主人——县交通局被告上法庭。那么,老两口“叫板”县交通局,能打赢这场民告官的官司吗?  参加朋友聚会,小伙酒驾撞上限高墩  2015年3月20日,一个周五傍晚。郑鸿飞结束繁忙的工作,打电话约四好友聚会。在县城一家饭店,五人豪情无限,