目的:探讨破伤风抗毒素致过敏性休克的特点和规律。方法:对1993~2012年中文科技期刊全文数据库中有关破伤风抗毒素致过敏休克的文献进行综述分析。结果:破伤风抗毒素致过敏性休克在用药的三个时间段均能出现,且多发生在30 min以内。结论:用药前应询问过敏史,密切观察用药后反应,做好急救准备,确保用药安全,药房应配备破伤风人免疫球蛋白,减低过敏性休克风险。
Objective: To investigate the characteristics and rules of tetanus antitoxin-induced anaphylactic shock. Methods: The literature about the tetanus antitoxin-induced hypersensitivity shock in the full-text database of Chinese scientific journals from 1993 to 2012 was reviewed. RESULTS: Tetanus antitoxin-induced anaphylactic shock occurred in all three time periods and occurred within 30 min. Conclusions: Allergy history should be asked before treatment, the reaction after treatment should be observed closely, the first aid preparation should be made to ensure the safety of medication. The pharmacy should be equipped with tetanus immunoglobulin to reduce the risk of anaphylactic shock.