20 0 2年 ,昆山局检疫人员在对一批来自美国的红橡原木进行检疫时发现树皮下存有大量天牛幼虫 ,其数量之多、危害之重实属罕见。幼虫经鉴定为宽斑脊虎天牛Xy lotrechuscolonus (Fabricius)。本文对该虫的形态特征、分布、寄主、危害情况 ,以及脊虎
In 2002, quarantine officers at Kunshan Bureau found that a large number of bee larvae were found under a large number of quarantine barks from a group of red oak logs from the United States. Larvae were identified as Xy lotrechuscolonus (Fabricius). This article on the morphological characteristics of the insect, distribution, host, damage, as well as spinal tiger