来啦!万紫千红的春天,你是踏着严冬的冰凌来的。为了这万紫千红,你硬是用你那轻柔的和风吹溶了坚如顽石的冰凌,让它变成滔滔江水,灌溉了广袤千里的大地;让它变成潺潺的小溪,滋润了百花的根须。 来啦!万紫千红的春天,你是扫清了隆冬的枯枝败叶来的。为了这万紫千红,你硬是用你那稚嫩和纤细的手拨开了沉积一冬的尘土黄叶,让嫩芽探出地面,把稚叶挂上枝头。你是吮吸着仍带着寒意的气息,开始了走向辉煌的跋涉。
Come! Spring in all kinds of purple, you are marching in the winter ice. For this all-embracing, you just use your gentle breeze dissolved hard rock ice, let it into a surging river, irrigate the vast land of thousands of miles; make it into a gurgling stream, nourishing the roots of flowers Must Come! All kinds of spring, you clear the winter dead leaves. For this colorful, you just use your tender and slender hand and piled open a winter yellow dust leaves, so that buds out of the ground, the leaves hanging on the branches. You are sucking still with a chill breath, began to march toward the brilliant.