从农机化对农业发展的重要作用出发,分析了匈牙利在公有制经济向私有化、国际化转变的社会转型期农机具市场发展的现实状况和发展特征,包括不断增多的西欧机具冲击、农机具的投资比重失衡、无法解决机具动力同步更新、农业组织机构发生变迁等问题以及造成农机化发展滞后的关键因素。同时,结合我国农业机械化发展历程和面临的困难,提出了促进我国农业机械化发展的对策和建议。“,” Based on the effect of mechanization to agriculture , the circumstance of Hungarian agriculture machine market at the period of transfer society was reviewed in the paper with their difficulties , such as too many western European agri-culture machines incoming, changed investment ratio of agriculture machinery industry , challenge of synchronizing the force of machine procurement, transiting organization of Hungarian agriculture , etc.Based on analysis of the developing status of China agriculture mechanization , several countermeasures were proposed to encourage the steps of the develop-ment of agriculture machine industry .