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随着经济体制改革的不断深入,转换企业经营机制.实行全员合同制已在全民所有制企业中逐步展开.这是一条增强企业活力的必由之路,无疑对促进企业干部人事、劳动用工以及分配制度的改革产生深远的影响.同时也给干部档案工作提出了更新更高的要求。如何加强和改进干部档案工作.更好地为干部人事工作服务.使之适应企业转换经营机制和干部档案工作自身发展的需要,是我们面临的一项重要而紧迫的任务。本文试就实行全员合同制后,干部档案工作面临的问题以及干部档案管理工作的实施要点谈几点浅见. 一、实行全员合同制后,干部档案工作面临的问题 多年来,干部档案工作在贯彻党的干部路线、方针和政策,加强干部队伍建设为 With the continuous deepening of the reform of the economic system, the transformation of the operating mechanism of enterprises, the implementation of a full-member contract system has been gradually carried out among all the people-owned enterprises. This is the only way to enhance the vitality of enterprises. There is no doubt that the promotion of enterprise cadres and personnel, labor and distribution system The reform has a far-reaching impact, but at the same time it has also put forward newer and higher requirements for the cadre archives work. How to strengthen and improve the work of cadre files? To better serve cadre and personnel work and to adapt them to the needs of the enterprise’s transformation of management mechanism and the development of cadre and file work is an important and urgent task for us. This article try to implement the full contract system, the cadre and file problems facing the work and the implementation of cadre file management tips to talk about a few humble opinions.First, the implementation of the full contract system, cadre and file problems facing the problem over the years, cadre and file work In carrying out the party’s cadre line, guidelines and policies, we should strengthen cadre building
1.目标激励。目标,一般是通过奋斗能够获得的成就或结果,是能够满足档案馆工作者的需要的外在物或“诱因”。 根据目标的层次性和多样性来看,远大目标对现实目标具有调节矫
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