职工教育是建设一支素质优良、纪律严明的劳动大军的伟大工程,广大职教干部正是这项伟大工程的组织者和实施者,所以职教干部的积极性和主动性的大小,在很大程度上决定着一个单位、一个系统、一个县区职工教育的好环。那么职教干部怎样才能担负好历史赋予的重托呢?笔者认为: 一、只有热爱职工教育工作,才能体会到它的重要和从事本职工作的光荣。由于职工教育工作的重要性和必要性还没有完全被人们所认识,它的劳动成果也不易明显地被公认,轻视、冷眼、无钱、无权、无地位,因此,每前进一步都会遇到很多困难,每取得一点成绩都将要付出几倍乃至十几倍的努力,职教干部只有具备高度的事业心和强烈的责任惑,才能以百折不挠的毅力去克服困难。克山县工商银行的一位女职教干部,她发现有些学员学习目的不明确,迟到旷课,考试打小抄,看在眼里急在心上。她认真掌握学员
Staff education is a great project to build a labor force with excellent quality and strict discipline. The majority of vocational education cadres are the organizers and implementers of this great project. Therefore, the enthusiasm and initiative of vocational education cadres are very large To a certain extent, a unit, a system, a good area of county staff education. So how can vocational education cadres take on the responsibility entrusted by history? I believe: First, only the love of staff education can appreciate its importance and the glory of its own work. Since the importance and necessity of staff education have not been fully recognized, its labor achievements are not easily recognized, despised, cold-headed, lacking money, powerless, or statusless. Therefore, every further step encounters Many difficulties, each achievement will result in a few times or even ten times the efforts, vocational education cadres only with a high degree of dedication and strong responsibility to confront difficulties can be overcome with perseverance. Kobe County Industrial and Commercial Bank of China a female vocational education cadres, she found that some students learning purpose is not clear, late truancy, exams cheat sheet, see in the eyes of anxious. She has a good grasp of students