科学发展观是新世纪新阶段我党以邓小平理论和“三 个代表”重要思想为指导提出的统领党和国家事业发展全 局的重大战略思想。进入新世纪新阶段,统一战线直接面 对的一个实际问题是如何与时俱进地、更加充分地发挥 “法宝”作用?统战工作如何体现新的视野、新的风貌?具 体说就是:着眼点问题--工作对象上如何新?着力点问 题--工作的重点、中心内容上如何新?立足点、落脚点 问题--统战工作的目的、方向上如何新?科学发展观的 提出,为我们站在新的历史基点上,以更宽阔的眼光、更积 极进取的精神,从执政规律和执政方略上审视和解决这些 问题,提供了依据和指导。
The scientific concept of development is a major strategic thinking that is guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of “Three Represents,” guiding our party and the development of the cause of our country as a whole in the new phase of our new century. Entering the new phase of the new century, one of the real problems directly confronted by the United Front is how to give full play to the role of “magic weapon” with keeping pace with the times. How can the united front work reflect a new horizons and a new outlook? Specifically, Focus on the problem - how to work on the new? Focus on the issue - the focus of the work, the center of the content on how to new? Foothold, the end-point problem - the purpose of the United Front work, the direction of how? Proposed scientific concept of development, Provide us a basis and guidance for us to stand on a new historical starting point, examine and solve these problems from the perspective of governing law and governing strategy with a broader perspective and a more enterprising spirit.