梗阻性无精子症(obstructive azoospermia,OA)是造成男性不育的常见疾病.近年来,随着男性显微外科技术和辅助生殖技术的发展,大部分患者可成功孕育下一代,但是在梗阻性无精子症患者中存在着一部分复杂性精道梗阻的病人,其精道梗阻常多发于不同部位,梗阻原因多样,无法通过常规显微手术进行治疗,对于该类病人常采用综合外科治疗才能够取得较好的疗效.本文对复杂性梗阻性无精子症的病因、诊断、综合治疗等进行综述.“,”Obstructive azoospermia(OA)is a common cause of male infertility.In recent years, most of patients can successfully nurture the next generation with the development of male microsurgery technology and assisted reproductive technology.However,there are very some group of patients with com-plicated obstructive azoospermia that obstructive tract stenosis occurs in different parts due to multiple rea-sons.These patients cannot be treated by conventional microsurgery,while comprehensive surgical treat-ment can achieve this goal.Here is an introduction for the etiology,diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of complicated obstructive azoospermia.