Collision tumor of the kidney composed of clear cell carcinoma and collecting duct carcinoma:report

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxyz0123
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We report the case of a 67-year-old female who presented with a large renal mass. Gross examination of the nephrectomy specimen demonstrated a 6-cm renal mass that invaded into the renal sinus and perinephric fat. Histologic examination revealed two distinct tumor types. The first type was a conventional(clear cell) renal cell carcinoma that was of low nuclear grade and comprised the minority of the overall tumor. The second type was a high-grade collecting duct carcinoma with glandular/tubular differentiation and composed the majority of the tumor. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated distinctive patterns of the two tumor types, thus confirming two distinct lineages. Five months postoperatively, the patient developed metastasis to the lungs and right hilar lymph node region. A fine needle aspiration of a lung nodule demonstrated a metastatic, poorly differentiated carcinoma, similar to the collecting duct carcinoma component in the kidney. Collision tumors of the kidney are rare with fewer than 10 cases reported in the literature. Our report further expands the spectrum of this rare phenomenon. Gross examination of the nephrectomy specimen demonstrated a 6-cm renal mass that invaded into the renal sinus and perinephric fat. Histologic examination revealed two distinct tumor types The first type was a conventional (clear cell) renal cell carcinoma that was of low nuclear grade and comprised the minority of the overall tumor. The second type was a high-grade collecting duct carcinoma with glandular / tubular differentiation and composed the majority of the tumor. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated distinctive patterns of the two tumor types, thus confirming two distinct lineages. Five months postoperatively, the patient developed metastasis to the lungs and right hilar lymph node region. A fine needle aspiration of a lung nodule demonstrated a metastatic, poorly differentiated carcinoma, similar to the collecting duct carcinoma component in the kidney. Collision tumors of the kidney are rare w ith fewer than 10 cases reported in the literature. Our report further expands the spectrum of this rare phenomenon.
教学是一门艺术,英语教学是科学与艺术的结合。所谓的教学艺术,就是教师有意识地通过声音、图片、形象、表演和活动等一系列能使学生感受到美,使其体会到用丰富的教学手段去设计教学的全过程,去诱发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学艺术是一门较复杂、难以把握的综合艺术。创设艺术的教学环境、使用艺术的教学手段和采取艺术的教学态度。    一、 教学设计的内涵    教学设计是事先设想的教育教学思路,是对准备实施的教学措施
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