Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common arrhythmia associated with significant morbidity and mortali-ty. In 1998, Haissaguerre and his colleagues described focal firing as an important source of ectopic beats, which could lead to AF. Further studies propelled the evolution of the technique to the circumferential isolation of the pul-monary vein (CIPV), which has since become the cornerstone of curative paroxysmal AF with a higher success rate. There is a debate about the strategy of catheter ablation for long-standing persistent or permanent AF. Differ-ent catheter strategies, for example, CIPV, CIPV + additional linear ablations, and CFAE (complex fractionated at-rial eleetrograms), which have different success rate. Catheter ablation of AF is mushroom growth in China. The success rate of AF is similar with overseas centers, which was testified by the 2007 register study of AF catheter ab-lation in China. Catheter ablation of AF must have bright future with deeply ascertainment the mechanism of AF.