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随着教学的改革,大学扩招,毕业的大学生也在逐年增加,社会上的就业压力越来越大,造成同一个岗位竞争压力大。这种现象一定程度上和我们当前的教育体制有关联,教学内容和实际不符,学生缺少实践能力。尤其是音乐人才的培养,应该朝着应用型进行教学,所以学校应该有所改变,不仅要重视理论基础,还要注重实践教学。只有二者相结合才能培养出应用性的音乐人才。毕业后在社会上有实践能力,符合企业招收人才的需要。为了改变这种教学现状,高校应该进行教学转型。 With the reform of teaching, college enrollment, college graduates are also increasing year by year, increasing pressure on employment in society, resulting in a large competitive pressure positions. To a certain extent, this phenomenon has something to do with our current education system. The content of teaching is not in accordance with the actual situation and the students lack practical ability. In particular, the training of music talents should be applied toward teaching, so schools should be changed, not only to pay attention to theoretical basis, but also pay attention to practical teaching. Only the combination of the two can produce applied musical talent. After graduation in the community have practical ability, in line with the needs of enterprises to recruit talent. In order to change this teaching situation, colleges and universities should carry out teaching transformation.
县域经济是以一定规模的地域、人口、资源、产业和市场构成的基本区域经济,是以行政化为空间,以市场为导向,优化配置资源, 既有地域特色和功能完备的区域经济。它包括县、乡
道奇蝰蛇(Dodge Viper)是美国车坛中以速度与力量见长的超级跑车,雪佛兰克尔维特(Chevrolet Corvette,克尔维特是一种十七世纪流行的高速护卫舰)则是可以开着上班的跑车,但是
Cavitation erosion behavior of as-welded Cu12Mn8Al3Fe2Ni alloy in 3.5% NaCl aqueous solution was studied bymagnetostrictive vibratory device for cavitation ero
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国家发改委主任马凯在答《学习时报》(10月17日)记者问时说,当前经济运行中值得关注的情况和问题,概括为六个方面: 第一,粮食进一步增产、农民进一步增收的制约因素仍然较多