微软Windows业务部门主管史蒂芬·辛诺夫斯基(Steven Sinofsky)今天发表博客文章称,Windows8不仅拥有适合鼠标键盘的常规界面,还拥有与iPad类似的、适合触摸操作的简洁界面。辛诺夫斯基说:“正如我们所展示的那样,你将获得出色的触摸体验,同时又可以使用鼠标、触控板和键盘工作。如果你希望永远沉浸在Metro界面中,那么你永远不会看到桌面除非你刻意选择,否则我们甚至不会加载它!Windows将焕然一新。但是,如果你重视桌面体验精准控
Steven Sinofsky, director of Windows Business Unit at Microsoft, said in a blog post today that Windows 8 not only has a regular interface for a mouse and keyboard, but also has a touch-friendly interface similar to an iPad. Sinofsky said: ”As we have shown, you get a great touch experience while working with your mouse, touchpad and keyboard. If you want to be immersed forever in the Metro interface, you’ll always be Will not see the desktop Unless you deliberately choose, or we will not even load it! Windows will be a new look, but if you value the desktop experience precision control