临桂县位于广西壮族自治区北部,东靠桂林市,南邻阳朔县,西同永福县接壤,北连灵川、龙胜两县,总面积两千二百零二平方公里。全县共辖十乡四镇,居民三十七万五千五百多人(一九八四年)。境内汉族居民绝大多数都使用平话,大致可分为四个小片:东部“庙头塘片”包括庙头、四塘两乡镇和临桂镇下辖的几个村;南部“六塘片”包括六塘、会仙和南边山三个乡镇;西部“两江片”包括两江、渡头和茶洞三个乡镇;北部“义宁片”乃旧义宁县境,包括五通、保宁、中荣、宛田和黄沙五个乡镇。四小片之间差异较大,相互不易通话。本文讨论西片两江话。 两江旧称临西乡,位于桂林市西部,距临桂县城二塘(今临桂镇)二十公里,离桂林市三十
Lingui County is located in the north of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, east of Guilin, south of Yangshuo County, west border with Yongfu County, north of Lingchuan, Longsheng two counties, with a total area of 2,220 square kilometers. The county has jurisdiction over ten towns and four towns, more than 375,500 inhabitants (1984). The vast majority of Han Chinese inhabitants use Pinghua, which can be broadly divided into four small pieces: the eastern part of “Miaotantang Piece” includes Miaotou, Qiantang Township and several villages under Lingui Town; the southern “Six Tong Pian” Including the three townships of Liutang, Huixian and Nanbianshan; the western “Liangjiang films” include the three townships of Liangjiang, Tutou and Chadong; the “Yining” tablet of the north is the old Yining county, including Wutong, Boryeong and Zhongrong , Wan Tian and yellow sand five towns. Big differences between the four small, difficult to talk to each other. This article discusses the Western films Liangjiang dialect. Old two known as Lin Xixiang, located in western Guilin, from Lingui County two ponds (now Lingui town) twenty kilometers away from Guilin thirty