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搞好群众的用电服务工作,既关系到千家万户的切身利益,也关系到党和政府的形象,为此,我们十分重视职工队伍的职业道德建设,不断提高服各水平。实践中我们获得三点体会:一是在搞好优质服务的同时,要及时转变观念,全面树立全心全意为人民服务的思想。要树立全员服务意识,让全局职工都明白,每一个职工的行为,都与企业的形象密切相关,都有可能对供电服务质量产生直接影响。供电服务的承诺是全局对用户的承诺,绝不仅限于直接与用户接触的窗口部门,需要全员、全过程、全方位的投入,需要全局各部门都树立起以用户满意为出发点和落脚点的服务理念,并将这个理念落实到具体行动中去,体现在整个生产经营的全过程和各个环节之中。二是在搞好优质服务的同时,要加大科技创 To do a good job of the electricity service for the masses involves not only the vital interests of thousands of households but also the image of the party and the government. To this end, we attach great importance to the construction of the professional ethics of our workforce and continuously improve our service standards. In practice, we have three experiences: First, while doing a good job in providing quality service, we must change our concepts in time and fully establish the ideology of serving the people wholeheartedly. To establish a full-service awareness so that all employees in the world understand that the behavior of each employee is closely related to the image of the enterprise, and all of them may have a direct impact on the quality of power supply services. Power service commitment is the overall commitment to the user, not limited to the direct contact with the user department of the window, you need full, the whole process, a full range of inputs, the need for the overall situation of the various departments are set to customer satisfaction as the starting point and the end result Service concept, and put this idea into concrete action to go, reflected in the entire production and operation of the entire process and all aspects. The second is to improve the quality of service at the same time, we must increase science and technology
甘肃省西和县南关小学教师魏永平在语文教学中,采用“多种课型”穿插进行的方法,激发学生学习语文的兴趣,收到了较好的教学效果。语文教学质量显著提高。 Wei Yongping, a
摘 要 随着人们生活水平的提高,人们在物质基础得到满足的基础上,开始注重绿色环保问题。建筑行业作为经济社会的重要组成部分,对我国经济的发展有着重要意义。在我国可持续发展战略下,建筑行业越来越重视新型绿色环保建材的开发和使用。本文从新型绿色环保建材对经济发展的作用入手,着重分析了新型绿色环保建材发展的策略,以加强新型绿色环保建材的使用,促进我国经济的发展。  【关键词】新型绿色环保建材;经济;促进性