In order to meet the test and semi-physical simulation test of infrared imaging guidance seeker, a scheme of high contrast infrared surface source target simulator is proposed. The simulator includes image generation computer, image correction computer and MOS resistor array logic control and driver, and the distributed system is composed of optical fiber. The image generating computer receives the projectile relative motion parameters generated by the trajectory simulation calculation and generates infrared scene images which are transmitted to the image correction computer through the optical fiber network to correct the non-linearity and non-uniformity of the data. Using the PCI card image data transmission driver card The data is transferred to the MOS resistor array logic control and driver mounted on the turntable. The driver generates the MOS logic array temperature control signal and the timing logic to drive the MOS resistor array to produce a 200 Hz infrared image. The solution has been validated in the imaging seeker test, which allows the seeker to clearly image and stabilize the resulting infrared target.