語言文字是人們交流思想的工具,同時也是社会鬥爭和社会發展的工具。中華人民共和國已經实現了歷史上所没有过的高度的統一,並且正在掀起社会主义建設和社会主义改造的熱潮,因此在佔人口百分之九十以上的漢民族中間,大力推廣普通話,促進文字改革和語言規範化,已經成为我國当前的迫切任务。中華人民共和國教育部和中國文字改革委員会召開了“全國文字改革会議”,从十月十五日起举行了九天的会議,从十月二十五日起,中國科学院又召開了“現代漢語規範問題学術会議”。這兩次会議标誌着中國文字改革和漢語規範化工作的開端。 漢語是世界上最發達最重要的語言之一,漢語的書寫符号漢字,是歷史最長久、影响最深廣的文字之一。誰都承認,漢字在我國人民的悠久的文化歷史中有过偉大的貢献。幾千年來,我國古代丰富的文献典籍,依靠漢字保存下来。今後,在我國進行社会主义
Linguistic writing is a tool for people to exchange ideas and is also a tool for social struggle and social development. The People’s Republic of China has achieved a high degree of unification in history and is setting off an upsurge of socialist construction and socialist transformation. Therefore, it is necessary to vigorously promote and promote Putonghua among ethnic Han nationals, which account for more than 90 percent of the population Text reform and language standardization have become an urgent task for our country. The Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and the Chinese Reform Commission held the “National Conference on Text Reform” and held a nine-day meeting from October 15, starting from October 25, the CAS held “Modern Chinese Normative Academic Conference. ” These two meetings mark the beginning of the reform of Chinese writing and the standardization of Chinese language. Chinese is one of the most developed and the most important languages in the world. The Chinese characters of Chinese characters are one of the most prolific and influential texts in history. Everyone has admitted that Chinese characters have made great contributions in the long history of Chinese people’s culture. For thousands of years, our ancient rich literature and documents, preserved by Chinese characters. In the future, we will carry out socialism in our country