看罢16集电视剧《大凌河》,剧中人物姜长久给人留下了极其深刻的印象,赞叹饰演者管宗祥那维妙维肖的表演的同时,不由得想起了管老这个人。 新中国影坛,管老是第一代演员,至今已从艺46年了,他的表演艺术也日瑧成熟,仅影视作品就拍摄了近五十余部,以他独具个性的表演塑造了数十个不同的人物形象;他还曾多次做为中国电影代表团团长率团出访意大利、日本等国并参加国际电影节。 同其他老一代艺术家一样,管老的人生道路,饱尝忧患,满含艰辛却未改初衷。童工出身的他,12岁起就当了小八路,成为党的最年轻的文艺战土。漫长的艺术生涯中,管老无论是被“扣”上右派的帽子,驱赶到北大荒接受“改造”,还是在青海屈辱度日,他始终都没有放弃自己的理想和追求。那个年代,那种环境中,有
Watch 16 episodes of the TV series “Dalinghe”, the characters ginger for a long time left a very deep impression, praised the actor Guanzong Xiang that subtle and vivid performance at the same time, could not help but think of the tube old man. New China film, tube is always the first generation of actors, has been art from 46 years, his performing arts is also full of maturity, only film and television filming of nearly 50 department, with his unique personality shaped the show Dozens of different characters; he also repeatedly led the delegation as a Chinese film delegation to Italy, Japan and other countries and to participate in the International Film Festival. Like other artists in the older generation, the path of managing the old man’s life is full of hardships and difficulties, but his original purpose is not changed. Child labor background, he became a small eight-year-old since the age of 12, becoming the party’s youngest art battlefield. During the long artistic career, Guan Lao never abandoned his ideals and pursuits either by “buckling” his hat on the right, driving to the Great Northern Wilderlands to accept “transformation” or humiliating himself in Qinghai. That era, that kind of environment, there