一、循环报数 (一)场地器材:平整场地一块。 (二)方法:将学生分成人数相等的两列横队,两队前后间隔4米。游戏开始,各队从排头向排尾依次报数,排尾报完数后,迅速跑到排头处,马上从1开始报数,依此类推,直到排头又回到原来的位置上,最后先完成一轮报数队为胜(图1)。 (三)规则 1.报数时要按顺序正确报,且声音洪亮,违者则判失败。 2.排尾必须在报完数后,才能跑至排头,违者判失败。
First, the number of loop reported (a) venue equipment: a flat field. (B) Method: The students were divided into equal numbers of two cross-team, two teams before and after the interval of 4 meters. Beginning of the game, the teams reported from the first row to the bottom of the row followed by the number of rows tail quota, quickly ran to the first row, immediately reported from 1, and so on until the first row back to the original position, the last Complete a round of newspaper team victory (Figure 1). (C) the rules 1. When the number reported in the correct order, and the sound loud, offenders sentenced to failure. 2 tailings must be reported in the end, to run to the first row, offenders failed.