患者,女,60岁,青岛市人,居住在本市市南区。因反复发作性呼吸困难、眼睑及颜面水肿来我院过敏病门诊。2012年7月食用桃子后感觉咽喉部肿胀,随即出现明显呼吸困难,口唇、眼睑和颜面肿胀伴全身皮疹,立即到附近医院就诊,测血压80/55 mm Hg,给予1支肾上腺素注射液肌注,静推10 mg地塞米松注射液,症状缓解后改口服醋酸泼尼松片10 mg、氯雷他啶10 mg每天1次,服药期间,分别于10月11日和10月15日又出现咽喉肿胀感、憋气、眼睑及面部水肿,同时伴有流清涕、鼻痒、鼻塞等症状。患者既往健康,无药物过
Patient, female, 60 years old, Qingdao city, living in the city Shinan District. Due to recurrent dyspnea, eyelid and facial edema to our hospital allergy clinic. July 2012 After eating peaches feel throat swelling, then there was obvious difficulty in breathing, swelling of the lips, eyelids and face with a systemic rash, immediately to the nearby hospital for treatment, measuring blood pressure 80/55 mm Hg, given 1 adrenaline injection muscle Note, intravenous injection of 10 mg dexamethasone injection, remission of oral prednisone tablets 10 mg, loratadine 10 mg once daily, during the medication, respectively, on October 11 and October 15 and Throat swelling, suffocation, eyelid and facial edema, accompanied by runny nose, itchy nose, stuffy nose and other symptoms. The patient was healthy and had no medication