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数学作业是教学过程中必不可少的环节。目前教师布置的作业,大多都是书面课余作业,练习题多数是书本例题的翻版,整齐划一。而同一班级中,学生的差异性是客观存在的,由于优等生知识掌握得较好,这些作业对于他们来说是反复机械式的,没什么乐趣可言;中等生拖拖拉拉完成作业,敷衍了事;而学困生则是出现抄袭现象,或者错误连篇,久而久之他们产生了一种抵触情绪,现实的情景不得不让我们深思。将作业引上独立学习的轨道既能为课堂的例题精讲做好充分的准备,使课堂授课始终保持连贯,又能使学生保持较高的学习热情。 Mathematics is an indispensable part of the teaching process. At present, the layout of teachers’ assignments are mostly written after-school assignments. Exercises are mostly a replica of the book’s examples and are neat and uniform. In the same class, students’ differences exist objectively. Due to the good knowledge of excellent students, these assignments are repetitive and mechanical for them. There is no pleasure at all. Secondary students drag and drop to finish their homework and perfunctory Things; and poor students are plagiarism phenomenon, or even the mistakes, with the passage of time they have produced a resistance, the reality of the scene had to let us ponder. Bringing homework to the path of independent study is both well prepared for the example of the class, keeping classes consistently taught and keeping students motivated to learn.
腺苷酸活化蛋白激酶(AMP-activated Protein Kinase,AMPK)在调节细胞和全身代谢中发挥着重要作用,是研究治疗2型糖尿病药物的关键靶点。本文介绍了AMPK的结构及调节方式,并通过