
来源 :中国保安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sukey2
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每个行业都会涌现令人感动的人和事,作为一个服务性行业,保安业亦不例外。小到拾金不昧、帮助他人,大到擒获盗贼、保护国家财产,保安队员坚守在各自的岗位上,用自己的真诚,谱写了一曲曲动人的赞歌。翟昌维曾先后七次跳入水中救人,几次险些牺牲;何万勤兄弟俩相依为伴,用当保安赚的钱赡养老母亲;令狐富强因坚持工作,两次耽误婚期……所有这些,在让我们感动的同时,也让我们感受到了这些普通保安员的无私奉献与纯朴。一位通讯员曾这样说过,只有深入到队员中间,与他们相处,才能看到他们最纯朴的一面,感受到他们心底的那份耿直、正义和善良,那才是“最真”的保安员。本期,编辑部策划“平凡中的感动”这个专题,就是要通过这些令人感动的人和事,让人们看到站岗执勤以外的保安员的生活,感受他们的辛酸与快乐。因为正是这些普通的保安员,用他们的无私和忠诚,诠释着一名平凡保安的不平凡本色。 Touching people and events emerge in every industry. As a service industry, the security industry is no exception. Small to pick up the money ignorance, to help others, big enough to capture the thieves, protect state property, security team members adhere to their respective posts, with their own sincerity, compose a moving song of praise. Zhai Changwei has jumped into the water seven times to save the people, almost sacrificed several times; He Wanqin brothers and two companions, with security money to support the old mother; Linghu Fu strong due to adhere to the work, two delays in marriage ... ... all of these Let us move at the same time, let us feel the selfless dedication and simplicity of these ordinary security guards. A correspondent once said that only by going into the middle of team members and getting along with them can we see their simplest side and feel the honestness, justice and kindness in their heart that is the most true one. security guard. In this issue, the editorial department’s plan for “moving in the ordinary” is to make people feel the bitterness and happiness of the security guards outside the duty station through these moving people and events. Because it is these ordinary security guards who use their selflessness and loyalty to interpret the extraordinary character of an ordinary security guard.
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