通过激光熔化沉积工艺制备出Ti60合金和TiCP(质量分数为5%)/Ti60复合材料薄壁材料,分析了两种材料的显微组织及600℃下的高温拉伸性能。结果表明,激光熔化沉积Ti60合金具有典型的魏氏组织特征,在亚晶界处和α/β界面处存在球形富钕稀土相;TiCP/Ti60复合材料中存在少量未完全熔化的TiC颗粒,熔化析出的TiC相呈断续链状,均匀分布于基体中,TiC与钛合金基体的界面结合良好。在600℃下,TiCP/Ti60复合材料的拉伸强度比Ti60合金提高了65 MPa,而延伸率明显降低。Ti60合金在高温下发生韧性断裂,而TiCP/Ti60复合材料的断口特征比较复杂,既有沿晶断裂和准解理断裂也有局部的韧性断裂。
Ti60 alloy and TiCP (5%) / Ti60 composite thin-walled materials were prepared by laser melting deposition process. The microstructure and tensile properties at 600 ℃ were analyzed. The results show that the laser-melted Ti60 alloy has the typical characteristics of Weissenberg. The spherical Nd-rich rare-earth phase exists at the interface of α-β and β-Si. The TiCP / Ti60 composites have a small amount of incompletely melted TiC particles, Precipitated TiC phase was interrupted chain, evenly distributed in the matrix, TiC and titanium alloy matrix interface with good. At 600 ℃, the tensile strength of TiCP / Ti60 composites increased by 65 MPa compared with that of Ti60 alloy, but the elongation decreased obviously. Ti60 alloy ductile fracture occurred at high temperature, while the TiCP / Ti60 composite fracture characteristics are more complicated, both intergranular fracture and quasi-cleavage fracture also have local ductile fracture.