对虾养殖池经过一段时间的使用后,有时会发生池底黑化现象,即池底泥土失去原土色,变黑发臭,有的在局部,有的则大面积发生,轻重不一,老池旧池尤为明显。这种现象是虾池老化的原因之一,对养殖生产非常不利。 1.池底黑化的原因①由于养殖前未进行清淤或清淤不彻底,存留的淤泥中含有大量的有机物质,水温适宜时变质发黑发臭。②投饲量过大或投饵太集中,造成
After a period of use of shrimp ponds sometimes black bottom pool phenomenon occurs, that is, the bottom of the pond soil loss of original color, black and smelly, and some in the local, and some large area occurs, the severity of the old Pool old pool is particularly evident. This phenomenon is one of the reasons for aging shrimp ponds, farming is very negative. 1.Background blackening ①Because no dredging or dredging before breeding is not complete, the remaining sludge contains a large amount of organic substances, which degenerate black and smelly when the water temperature is suitable. ② too large amount of feeding or feeding too concentrated, resulting