Retroperitoneal paraganglioma is functionally and non-functionally distinguished. The former is pheochromocytoma, and the latter is a non-chromatophilic paraganglioma, also known as retroperitoneal desensitization. According to data from the Capital Hospital from 1954 to 1973, 3 out of the 99 cases of primary retroperitoneal tumors (with clear pathological diagnosis) were non-chromatid paraganglioma, and 4 cases were continued for 6 years later. Clinical data in 7 cases of 3 males and 4 females. The youngest is 23 years old and the oldest is 54 years old. Four cases had gastrointestinal barium meal examination, and 2 cases had significant gastrointestinal tract displacement. Intravenous pyelography showed displacement of the kidney and ureter in 2 cases. No clear diagnosis was made before surgery. Four cases were diagnosed as retroperitoneal tumors, and the other three cases were diagnosed as hepatocellular carcinoma, ileocecal tumors, and intestinal intestine obstruction and inguinal synovial sarcoma. One of the 7 cases was more advanced in the outer court than late