一不小心和丈夫交上了火,我们都噼里啪啦地冲对方一阵狂轰滥炸,拣着最恶毒的语言,欲置之死地而后快。 待我们累得筋疲力竭不得不休战时,我犹觉气愤难消,冲过去一巴掌打掉了他正送往口中的杯子,恶狠狠地吼道:“还想喝我烧的水呢,真不要脸!”他一把捏住我的手臂,眼睛里几乎要冒出火来,挤出几个字:“你想怎样?”我昂然迎住他的目光,挑衅道“离婚!”他陡然一听到这两个字,像不小心被什么烫了一下,微微一抖,然后泱泱地放了手,颓然缩到沙发里抽烟去了。
Accidentally and her husband turned on the fire, we are crackling each other while indiscriminate bombing, picking the most vicious language, want to set the death and then fast. When we were too exhausted to have a truce, I still felt angry and overcame. I smashed a slap in the face of a cup he was sending to the mouth and shouted fiercely: “I still want to drink my burning water, Shameless! ”He grabbed my arm, his eyes almost to emerge from the fire, squeeze out a few words:“ What do you want? ”I angrily greet his gaze, provocation Road“ divorce! ”He Suddenly heard these two words, like what carelessly hot a bit, a slight flick, and then shyly let go, slumped down to the sofa and went to smoke.