国家经贸委安全生产局已初步确定了“十五”期间的安全生产具体目标。 具体目标是 : ———初步建成较为完善的适应市场经济发展的安全生产法律、法规体系和标准体系 ,颁布实施《职业安全法》 ,修订或制定国家安全生产法规和标准1 50项 ; ———逐步建立从中央到地方
The State Economic and Trade Commission Bureau of Work Safety has initially set specific goals for safety production during the “Tenth Five-year Plan” period. The specific objectives are: --- Initially built a relatively sound legal system of production safety laws and regulations and standard system to adapt to the development of the market economy, promulgated and implemented “Occupational Safety Law” and revised or formulated 150 national laws and standards on workplace safety; - Gradually build from the central to local