The complexes of fourteen substituted aryldiazonium salts RC_6H_4N_2+BF_4~-(R=H,p-CH_3,p-NO_2,p-I,p-Cl,p-F,m-Br,m-Cl,m-CH_3,o-CH_3,o-OCH_3,o-NO_2,o-Br,o-Cl)withcrown ethers 18-c-6(1)and dibenzo-24-c-8(2)have been studied by XPS.The results show that thechemical shifts of a-N1s and β-N1s of substituted aryldiazonium salts are closely related to theinduction and conjugation effects of R groups.It is interesting to note that charge transfer(β-N→O)take place upon complexation of substituted aryldiazonium salts with crown ethers.Therefore thedecrease of binding energy of crown ether oxygen may be used as a measurement of the stabilitiesof these complexes.
The complexes of fourteen substituted aryldiazonium salts RC_6H_4N_2 + BF_4 ~ - (R = H, p-CH_3, p-NO_2, pI, p-Cl, pF, m-Br, m-Cl, m-CH_3, o_CH_3, o (1) and dibenzo-24-c-8 (2) have been studied by XPS.The results show that the chemical shifts of a -N1s and β-N1s of substituted aryldiazonium salts are closely related to the induction and conjugation effects of R groups. It is interesting to note that charge transfer (β-N → O) take place upon complexation of substituted aryldiazonium salts with crown ethers.Therefore thedecrease of binding energy of crown ether oxygen may be used as a measurement of the stabilitiesof these complexes.