2004年高考全国语文试卷的第一题是个读音题,原题为: 下列词语中加点的字的读音完全相同的一组是: A. 炽热 整饬 叱诧 风云 插翅难飞 B. 唆使 夙愿 肃然 起敬 追根溯源 C. 小憩 迄今 同仇 敌忾 休戚相关 D. 显赫 唱和 溘然
2004 National College Entrance Examination papers in the first question is a pronunciation, the original title is: the following words plus some words exactly the same pronunciation is a group: A. hot whole 饬 叱 surprised situation Wings wings fly B. Instigation 夙 willing to awe-inspiring Tracing the source C. rest so far with the enemy 忾 忾 relatives D. prominent singing and 溘 然