《蒙古源流》是一部用蒙文撰写的蒙古编年史。关于《蒙古源流》的成书年代,历来有两种不同说法:一是1685年说,以汉文清译为代表;一是1662年说,1956年比利时学者田清波(Autoine Mostaert)发表了《〈额尔德尼—因·托卜赤——蒙古编年史〉导论》①一文提出此说后,很快得到各国学者的广泛承认,1979年《辞海》即采用此说,1962年在内蒙古自治区举行了庆祝《蒙古源流》成书三百周年的纪念活动,似乎已成定论。
The Origins of Mongolia is a Mongolian chronicle written in Mongolian. On the origins of the “Mongolian origin” has always been there are two different versions of the statement: First, 1685 said to Chinese translation as a representative; First, 1662 said Belgian scholar Tian Qingbo (Autoine Mostaert) published “ Denis-Tohto-Bhutto-Mongolia Chronicles> Introduction ”1 This article was quickly recognized by scholars from all over the world. In 1979,“ Ci Hai ”was adopted. In 1962, it was celebrated in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region The commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the publication of the “Origins of Mongolia” seems to have come to a conclusion.