广播节目特别是知识性、服务性、专题性节目,如何让群众喜闻乐听? 近年来,我们在举办《你知道吗》这档节目过程中,围绕这个问题,努力开拓宣传内容,同时,在节目形式上也作了一些探索。第一,力求形成特色。《你知道吗》节目最初采用了问答的形式,后来,随着节目内容范围的扩大,又出现了对话式。对话式是人们日常生活中经常运用的一种交际形式,而各种内
In recent years, we hold “Do you know” this program during the show, we work hard to open up the propaganda content around this issue, at the same time, In the program also made some exploration. First, strive to create characteristics. “Did you know?” The program originally took the form of question and answer, and later, as the scope of the program expanded, a dialogue emerged. Conversational style is a form of communication often used in daily life, and all kinds are different