大学语文是为大专院校非汉语言文学专业而开设的一门基础课 ,其目的是提高学生的人文精神和阅读 ,鉴赏 ,写作等综合素质方面的水平 ,由于教材编写和授课的思路、方法等等方面的不足因素 ,导致大学语文课内容讲授上面临和存在一些问题 ,这些问题在一定的程度上 ,降低了学生上课的积极性和影响了教学目的的达到。我们在指出所存在的主要问题上提出解决这些问题的方法。
College language is a basic course for non-Chinese major of non-Chinese major in colleges and universities. Its purpose is to improve students’ humanistic spirit and comprehensive quality of reading, appreciation and writing. Because of the train of thought and method And other aspects of the factors that led to the contents of the college Chinese lectures on the face and there are some problems that to some extent, reduce the enthusiasm of students and affect the teaching objectives. We pointed out the main problems that exist to solve these problems.