历史溯源两个世纪以前,美国德州的圣安东尼城(San Antonio)在兴建之初,军事基地的设立已是其整体建设之一,圣安东尼城被1个陆军基地及4个空军基地所围绕,莱克兰空军基地(Lackland AFB)便是其中之一。莱克兰空军基地位于圣安东尼城西南方13公里处,基地内主要的任务为基本军事入伍训练、一般技术性及保安警卫的训练,另外基地也担负代训警察及警犬的任务。至于莱克兰基地的名称,则是源于曾任凯利飞行学校(Kelly Flying School)的指挥官莱克兰中将(Gen.Frank D.Lackland)。基地早自1940年代就开始为陆军航空队飞行员提供初级训练。今天基
Two centuries ago, the establishment of a military base in San Antonio, Texas, was one of its integral parts. The city of San Antonio was surrounded by an army base and four air bases, One of them is the Lackland AFB. Lakeland Air Force Base is located 13 kilometers south-west of St Anthony’s town. The main tasks in the base are basic military enlistment training, general technical and security guards training, and the base is also tasked with training police officers and police dogs. As for the name of the Lakeland base, it stems from Gen. Frank D. Lackland, a former commander of the Kelly Flying School. The base has been providing initial training to Army Air Corps pilots since the early 1940s. Today’s base